Selected Workshops and Lectures
“EFT Core Skills 1, Michigan Community EFT, Michigan (online), 10/24
“EFT Externship and Basic Core Skills, EFT Israel, Neve Shalom, Israel, 9/24
“EFT Core Skills 4, Michigan Community EFT, East Lansing, MI, 6/24
“EFT Externship, Michigan Community EFT, Troy, MI, 6/24
"Tango 2.5: Bringing Identity and Culture to the Heart of EFT," EFT World Summit, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 6/24
“EFT Externship, NYCEFT, NYC, 5/24
“EFIT Essentials, ICEEFT, (online), 4/24
“EFT Core Skills 3, Michigan Community EFT, Michigan (online), 4/24
“EFT Core Skills 2, Michigan Community EFT, Michigan (online), 3/24
“When All the Kings Horses and Men Can't Put Things Together: The Client Who Can't Recover," NYACP, (online), 3/24
“EFT Externship, Columbus, OH, 3/24
“EFT Core Skills 1," Michigan Community EFT, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 2/24
“EFT Externship," Co-Trained by Katz, E, LCSW, and Blake, Robin, Reg Psychotherapist, ICEEFT (online) 1/24
“EFT Core Skills Series," Charleston, South Carolina 9/23-1/24
“EFT Core Skills 2 & 4," EFT Edmonton Community, Canada (online) 10/23-1/24
“EFT Core Skills Series," Co-Trained by Katz, E, LCSW, and Faller, G, LMFT, Ackerman Institute for the Family, NYC (online) 10/23-1/24
“EFT Externship," Co-Trained by Katz, E, LCSW, and Simakhodskaya, Z, PhD, NYCEFT, NY, NY 6/23
“Racial Equity in Collaborative Practice," Presented by Rothberg, J., JD, Katz, E, LCSW, New York Association of Collaborative Professionals, NY, NY 6/23
“EFT Externship," Michigan Community EFT with Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 5/23
“EFT Core Skills 3-4," Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel 3/23
“Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy," Co-Trained by Katz, E, LCSW, and Guillory, P, PhD, ICEEFT (online) 2/23
“EFT Core Skills Series," Co-Trained by Katz, E, LCSW, Hawkins, J, PhD, and Faller, G, LMFT, Ackerman Institute for the Family, NY (online) 10/22-1/23
“EFT Externship," Co-Trained by Katz, E, LCSW, and Faller, G, LMFT, Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel 9/22
“EFT Core Skills 1-2," Co-Trained by Faller, G, LMFT, and Katz, E, LCSW, Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel 9/22
“What Every Collaborative Family Law Professional Should Know," Presented by Miller, K, Esq, Katz E, LCSW, and Bordett, B, CFP, CDFA, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Chicago, IL 7/22
“EFT Externship," Co-Trained by Simakhodskaya, Z, PhD, Katz, E, LCSW, Faller, G, LMFT, NYCEFT, NY, NY (online) 6/22
“First EFT Externship," Toledo, OH 5/22
“Basic Collaborative Interdisciplinary Training," Presented by Miller, K, Esq, Katz, E, LCSW, and Kaplan, S, CPA, MBA, New York Association for Collaborative Professionals (online) 5/22
“Tending and Befriending Reactive Emotions,” Iran Community of EFT, Iran (online) 3/22
“Trainer, EFT Core Skills 2, Ackerman Institute for the Family,” New York, NY (online) 2/22
“Trainer, EFT Core Skills 1, Ackerman Institute for the Family,” New York, NY (online) 1/22
“Honoring All Voices: A Family Therapist Invites a Conversation about Diversity in Our Lives and Work,” Israeli Association for Couples and Family Therapy,” Israel (online) 11/21
“Co-Trainer, EFT Externship, Katz, E, LCSW, Faller, G, LMFT, Simakhodskaya, Z, PhD, NYCEFT, New York, NY (online) 11/21
“EFT and Intimate Conversations,” Katz, E, LCSW, and “Case Consultation and Commentary,” with Hardy, KV, PhD, Race and Couples Therapy Conference, Eikenberg Academy for Social Justice, NY, NY (online) 7/21
“You’re On! Engaging Heightened Expectations in Couples Treatment in an Online World,” Transition, Transformation and Telehealth in Clinical Practice, American Psychological Association and The Practice Institute, Washington, DC (online) 2/21
“What not to Say to Kids, Why Clients Say it Anyway, and What We Can Do About It,” Interdisciplinary Forum on Mental Health and Family Law, New York (online) 11/20
“Once More with Feeling: The EFT Model and Couples Therapy,” Alumni Lecture, Ackerman Institute for the Family, NYC 1/20
“Finding a Path to Secure Attachment: An Introduction to EFT”, The Masters Series in Couples Therapy, Newton, MA 1/20
“EFT Externship”, Ohio Psychological Association, Columbus, OH, 11/17
“Core Skills, Advanced Training in EFT”, Katz, E, LCSW, Simakhodskaya, Z, PhD, NY Center for EFT, New York, NY 11/17
“The Inner Workings of EFT”, Katz, E, LCSW, Rizel, A, LMFT, Rizel, M, LMFT, Quarterly Seminar, NYCEFT, New York, NY 7/17
“Introduction to EFT”, Universitat Ramon Lull, Barcelona, Spain 5/17
“EFT ACCESS, The Externship for Agency Workers,” Katz, E, LCSW, Faller, G, LMFT, Simakhodskaya, Z, PhD, NYCEFT, NY, NY 3/17
“EFT Externship”, The New Wave in Psychotherapy Program, Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel 2/17
“Making a Difference in Couples Treatment: The Art and Science of EFT”, Psychology and Spirituality Lecture, Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, PA 2/17
“Working Successfully in Couples Treatment: An Introduction to EFT”, The OHEL Institute for Training, Brooklyn, NY 2/17
“Addiction, Mental Illness, and Divorce,” Katz, E, LCSW, Yacos, J, Esq, Glazer, S, MD, Untied, Brooklyn, NY 1/17
“Inaugural Core Skills Training in EFT in Israel”, Katz, E, LCSW, and Faller, G, LMFT, The New Wave in Psychotherapy Program, Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel 11/16
“Coaching: Resourcing Clients Who Divorce,” Katz, E, LCSW, and Berman, B, PhD, FamilyKind, New York, NY 7/16
“EFT Certification Bootcamp,” Chicago Center for EFT, Glen Ellyn, IL 7/16
"Responding to Couples in Crisis: Using Emotions and Attachment as Our Guide,” Instituto Chileno El Terapia Familiar, Santiago, Chile, and Fundacion Aigle, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5/16
“EFT Certification Bootcamp: Unpacking the Blocks, Completing Your Journey,” Cornelius, North Carolina 3/16
Inaugural Externship in Emotionally Focused Therapy in Israel, Katz, E, LCSW, and Faller, G, LMFT, The New Wave in Psychotherapy Program, Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel 2/16
“How to Keep It Together When Your Marriage is Coming Apart,” Webinar, Work Life Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 2/16
“Right Here, Right Now: Creating Change in Couples Treatment Using EFT,” Nefesh International Conference, Hauppauge, NY 12/15
“Creating and Sustaining Loving Relationships in the 21st Century,” Keynote Address, Women’s Annual Health Seminar, Boca Raton Synagogue, Boca Raton, FL 12/15
“Making a Difference in Couples Therapy: The Nuts and Bolts of EFT,” Adelphi University School of Social Work, Department of Continuing Education and Professional Development, Garden City, NY 10/15
“Preserving Emotional Capital (and Clients) in the Mediation Process,” Katz, E, LCSW, and Miller, K, JD, Catalyst Interdisciplinary Conference, New York, NY 10/15
“Basic Collaborative Practice Training: Developing Excellence In Interdisciplinary Teamwork,” Blaustein, M, CPA/ABV, CFF, Katz, E, LCSW, Miller, K, JD, New York Association of Collaborative Professionals, New York, NY 9/15
“Blended and Nonmarital Families,” Braunstein, L, Esq, Katz, E, LCSW, Maldonado, S, Esq, Schepherd, A, Esq, Marcus, I, PhD, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, NY Chapter, and NYC Bar Association: Matrimonial Law Committee, New York, NY 6/15
Pilot Program, EFT Certification Bootcamp, Katz, E, LCSW, with Giunta, K, LMFT, New York, NY 5/15
“Collaborative Divorce Coaching: A New Career Path for Psychotherapists,” Annual Conference, The Psychotherapy Networker Symposium, Washington, DC 3/15
“The Power and Practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy,” Cape Cod Institute, Eastham, MA 6/30-7/4/14
“Right Here, Right Now: Creating New Experiences in Therapy with EFT,” 40th Annual Conference, Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Sugar Land, TX 3/14
“The Only Child: A Parenting Puzzle for Contemporary Families,” Parents League of New York, New York, NY 11/13
“Helping Couples Create Lasting Connections: The Practice of EFT,” Cape Cod Institute, Eastham, MA 8/5-8/9/13
“A View from the Trenches: A Working Session for Mental Health Professionals in the Collaborative Process,” Katz, E, LCSW, Behrman, L, PhD, Berman, B, PhD, Rothberg, B, DSW, New York Association of Collaborative Professionals, New York, NY 5/13
“Promoting Co-Parenting During and After Divorce: Transforming Adversaries into Allies,” Pelcovitz, D, PhD, Katz, E, LCSW, Rabinor, J, PhD, OHEL Institute for Training, New York, NY 4/13
“Once More with Feeling: Moving Beyond Impasse in a Couple’s Treatment,” Quarterly Seminar, New York Center for EFT, New York, NY 3/13
“Moving Couples Beyond Repair: Repatterning Relationships in EFT,” OHEL Institute for Training, Brooklyn, NY 2/13
“Why Can’t They Just be Reasonable? When Emotions and Numbers Collide, and What You Can do to Help,” Keynote Address and Recipient, Annual Pioneering Award, 10th Annual Conference, Association of Divorce Financial Planners, Rye Brook, NY 9/12
“The Art and Science of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy,” Cape Cod Institute, Eastham, MA 8/6 – 8/10/12
“Hooked on a Feeling: Working with Attachment and Emotion in AEDP and EFT,” Katz, E., LCSW, and Prenn, N., LCSW, Third International EFT Summit, New York, NY 7/12
“Divorcio Sin Destruccion – Therapy, Mediation, and Collaborative Practice,”, La Montana Psicoterapia SINGULAR, Mexico City, Mexico 3/12
“Collaborative Divorce: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Clients When a Marriage is Coming Apart,” Katz, E., LCSW, and Vacca, A., Esq, Metro Chapter, New York Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, New York, NY 1/12